ROADSIDE CLEANUP! Despite rain, water-filled ditches and MUD (!), the Club had our annual spring Adopt-a-Highway roadside cleanup on Sunday, April 14, along a several-mile stretch of Route 14, south of Montour Falls. Thank you, Rotarian Matt Hayden, for organizing this crew every year. Happy Earth Day!   

BOOKS FOR THIRD-GRADERS! Encouraging and improving literacy in our community is a mission of the Watkins-Montour Rotary Club. Every year, we distribute books to selected elementary school classes in the Odessa-Montour and Watkins Glen districts. This year, we'll be including the Bradford district, as well.

HANGIN' OUT WITH THE DOGS! The Club happily volunteers every September at the Wine Country Circuit Dog Show at Sampson State Park. It's a great Club fundraiser, but also a great experience to help the dogs and their trainers and other pedestrians cross the road, and also - yes! - to serve as pooper-scoopers! For some photos, click here.


WELCOME CAMPERS! Watkins-Montour Rotarians hosted the children of Camp Star on Aug. 15 in Watkins Glen. For some photos from that fun day, click here.


WELCOME BICYCLISTS! On July 25, the Club served mid-morning snacks at Clute Park in Watkins Glen to the bicyclists involved with the annual Bon Ton Roulet. For some photos from that event, click here.


Nan Woodworth 2023-2024 Club President
Members of the Watkins-Montour Rotary Club and their guests gathered at Atwater Vineyards in Hector on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, for our Changeover. The Changeover honors the preceding year's Club president and welcomes the incoming president. At this event,
2022-2023 President Ted Marks passed Club leadership to Nan Woodworth, 2023-2024 president. Thanks, Ted, for a memorable year! And Nan, we're all looking forward to another great year!

Ted Marks receives his past-president pin from Nan Woodworth, whose year as Club president started July 1, 2023.